Lobby Signage

Lobby Signage

Enhancing Visual Appeal with High-quality Lobby Signage

HelloNeonSign is specialized in high-quality Lobby Signages. The custom office signs provide an effective and worthwhile strategy to your brand identity, enhance visual appeal, and offer practical benefits to your visitors.  Whether it's through the use of materials, lighting, design creativity, or wayfinding features, a well-crafted lobby sign can leave a positive and unforgettable impact on anyone who walks through your doors. Don't underestimate the power of a great first impression – it can shape your company's reputation and open doors to new opportunities.

There are various types of office lobby signs to suit different preferences and budgets. These include Backlit & Front lit Channel Letters signs, Metal Light Box Signs, 3D Stainless Steel Letter Signs, Flat Cust metal Signs. Each type offers unique design opportunities to align with the company's brand strategy and overall aesthetic.

The Type of Lobby Signage:

  • Metal Backlit Letters (Back Lighted)

Metal backlit letters, are crafted from metal and feature built-in lighting that illuminates the letters from behind, creating a stunning effect that draws attention and makes a lasting impression.

One of the main features of metal backlit letters is their durability. Because they are made from metal, they are resistant to weather and other environmental factors that can cause other types of signage to deteriorate over time. This makes them an ideal choice for outdoor signage, as they can withstand exposure to rain, wind, and other elements without fading or becoming damaged.

In addition to their durability, metal backlit letters are also highly customizable. They can be crafted in a variety of different fonts and sizes, allowing businesses and organizations to create signage that perfectly matches their branding and messaging. They can also be finished in a variety of different colors and textures, giving them a unique visual appeal that is sure to make an impact.

Metal backlit letters are also highly versatile in terms of their applications. They can be used for a variety of different purposes, from outdoor signage for businesses and organizations to indoor signage for museums, galleries, and other cultural institutions. They can also be used for wayfinding signage in large buildings or complexes, helping visitors navigate their way around unfamiliar spaces.

When it comes to the materials used to create metal backlit letters, there are several options available. Aluminum is a popular choice due to its lightweight nature and durability, while stainless steel is often used for its sleek, modern appearance. Other metals such as brass and copper can also be used to create unique finishes that add a touch of elegance and sophistication to any signage.

Whether you're looking to create outdoor signage for your business or indoor signage for a cultural institution, metal backlit letters are sure to make an impact and leave a lasting impression.


  • Metal Front Light Letters
Metal front light letters are illuminated from the front, creating a bold and eye-catching effect that can help draw attention to your business and increase visibility.

The Metal front light letters are made from high-quality materials such as aluminum or stainless steel, which are resistant to weathering and corrosion. This makes them a great choice for outdoor signage, as they can withstand exposure to the elements without fading or deteriorating over time.

The Metal front light letters can be made in a variety of sizes and fonts, and can be painted or finished in a range of colors and textures to match your branding. This allows you to create a unique and distinctive look for your signage that reflects your business's personality and style.

The Metal front light letters can be used for a wide range of businesses, from retail stores and restaurants to hotels and office buildings. They can be installed on walls, facades, or even freestanding structures, depending on your needs and preferences.

If you're looking for a signage solution that will make your business stand out from the crowd, consider metal front light letters today!


  • Metal Back & Front Light Letters 
Metal Back & Front Light Letters: The Perfect Combination of Durability and Style. Our metal back and front light letters are made from high-quality materials and are designed to provide businesses with a durable and stylish way to showcase their brand.

Metal back and front light letters are available in a variety of sizes, colors, and fonts, making them a versatile option for businesses of all types. And they are designed to be illuminated from both the front and the back, providing businesses with a 24/7 advertising solution. They are typically powered by LED lights, which are energy-efficient and long-lasting.

Stainless steel is the popular option for the backing because it is extremely durable and can withstand harsh weather conditions.

Metal back and front light letters can be used in a variety of applications. They are commonly used for building signs, storefront signs, and indoor signs. They can also be used for directional signs, lobby signs, and wayfinding signs.

If you're looking for a high-quality sign solution that will help your business stand out from the crowd, metal back and front light letters are an excellent choice.


  • Acrylic Backlit Letters
  • Acrylic Back & Front Light Letters
  • Metal Acrylic Light Box (Thin)
  • Metal Light Box
  • Acrylic Light Box
  • 3D Metal Letters
  • Solid Metal Letter Sign

The Material of Lobby Singage:

  • 3D Stainless Steel logos
  • Flat Cut Metal Logos
  • Acrylic Light Logos
  • Silicone Neon Logos


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